Middleton High School is excited to be a host for the 2024 February Regional competition! Schools will be able to register two teams per division and any number of Algebra 1 teams. If space and materials are available, we will work to accommodate more teams in the other divisions. Please let this be known at registration so a decision can be made.
For team rounds, schools may register up to 2 teams for each of the six divisions: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Statistics, Precalculus, and Calculus. There will be no limit on the number of students taking the Individual test.
Postmarked deadline for registration is January 20, 2024. Please have your registration completed online and your fees postmarked by that date.
Each sponsor will be asked to cover one duty during the day. Make sure that all adult sponsors are listed and have a job selected but understand that your job may change based on need. Please bring your enrollment list as downloaded from www.floridamao.org with the participating competitors’ names and ID#s highlighted.
Pizzas will be ordered. Please make sure to bring cash the day of the registration for this. Each pizza will be $10. Snacks will also be available for purchase near the cafeteria.
We will be following the standard FAMAT schedule for regionals.
8:00-8:50 Registration
9:00 Round 1
Individual Round: Algebra I, Precalculus, and Calculus
Team Round: Geometry, Algebra II and Statistics
Disputes After
10:45 Round 2
Individual Round: Geometry, Algebra II, and Statistics
Team Round: Algebra 1, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus
Disputes After
12:15 Lunch
2:45 Award Ceremony
Make checks payable to Middleton High School Mu Alpha Theta
We are located at 4801 N 22nd St. Tampa, FL 33610. If you are driving by car, the parking lot you use is located off of Wilder St. and is on the west side of the building. If you are arriving by bus, the bus ramp off of Osborne, on the south side of the campus will be open for you. A more detailed map will be provided closer to the time of the competition.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Robert Heinsen at [email protected]. We look forward to another awesome regional in the Land of the Tigers!