Suncoast High School is hosting the FAMAT February Regional Competition on 2/3/2024
For team rounds, schools may register up to 2 teams for each of the six divisions: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Statistics, Precalculus, and Calculus. There will be no limit on the number of students taking the Individual test. Postmarked deadline for registration is January 20, 2024. Please have your registration completed online and your fees postmarked by that date.
Each sponsor will be asked to cover one duty during the day. Please bring your enrollment list as downloaded from with the participating competitors’ names and ID#s highlighted.
Lunch: We will not be providing lunch, but you may order food to be delivered to our campus, or travel off campus with your team for lunch. Please keep in mind that there are no restaurants within walking distance of our campus.
Schedule: We will be following the standard FAMAT schedule for regionals.
8:15-8:55 Registration: Building #1 "Student Services" office 9:00 Round 1 Individual Round: Algebra I, Precalculus, and Calculus Team Round: Geometry, Algebra II and Statistics 10:30 Round 2 Individual Round: Geometry, Algebra II, and Statistics Team Round: Algebra 1, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus 12:00 Lunch 2:30 Award Ceremony
Make checks payable to Suncoast High School
Mail your registration summary and check to: Suncoast High School Attn: Elizabeth Pearson 1717 Avenue S Riviera Beach, FL 33404
Email Elizabeth Pearson at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.